Výběr prací věnující se konceptu IMALBES (či detailněji některé jeho součásti).
Cudlín, O., Pechanec,V., Purkyt,J., Chobot,K., Salvati, L, Cudlín, P. Are Valuable and Representative Natural Habitats Sufficiently Protected? Application of Marxan model in the Czech Republic. Sustainability 2020, 12(1), plný text.
Pechanec V., Cudlín P., Machar I., Brus J., Kilianová H. (2020) Modelling of the Water Retention Capacity of the Landscape. In: Zelenakova M., Fialová J., Negm A. (eds) Assessment and Protection of Water Resources in the Czech Republic. Springer Water. Springer, abstrakt.
Cudlín, P., Pechanec, V., Štěrbová, L., Cudlín, O., Purkyt, J. Integrated approach to the mitigation of biodiversity lost in Central Europe. In. Westra, L., Bosselmann, K., Zabrano V. (eds). Ecological integrity and Land use. Sovereignty, Governance, Displacements and Land Grabs. New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2019, 75-86pp, ISBN 978-1-53615-406-1.
Jakubínský, J.; Pechanec, V.; Procházka, J.; Cudlín, P. Modelling of Soil Erosion and Accumulation in an Agricultural Landscape—A Comparison of Selected Approaches Applied at the Small Stream Basin Level in the Czech Republic. Water 2019, 11(3), plný text.
Pechanec,V., Kilianová,H., Tangwa,E., Vondráková, A., Machar, I. What is the Development Capacity for Provision of Ecosystem Services in the Czech Republic? Sustainability 2019, 11(16), plný text.
Pechanec V., Purkyt J., Benc A., Nwaogu C., Štěrbová L., Cudlín P. 2018. Modelling of the carbon sequestration and its prediction under climate change. Ecological Informatics, 47: 50-54, plný text.
Pechanec, V., Mráz, A., Benc,A., Cudlín, P. Analysis of spatiotemporal variability of C-factor derived from remote sensing data. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 12(1), 016022 (2018), plný text.
Cudlín P., Pechanec V., Cudlín O., Štěrbová L., Purkyt J. 2017. The projection of global and regional climate change models into selected ecosystem functions and services (case study Czech Republic). In Westra L., Gray J., Gottwald F.-T. (eds.): The Role of Integrity in the Governance of the Commons. Springer Verlag, p. 141-154. ISBN 978-3-319-54391-8, abstrakt.
Pechanec, V., Machar, I., Štěrbová, L., Prokopová, M., Kilianová, H., Chobot, K. Cudlín, P. Monetary Valuation of Natural Forest Habitats in Protected Areas. Forests. 2017, 8(11), plný text.
Pechanec, V., Machar I., Pohanka, T., Opršal, Z., Petrovič, F., Švajda, J., Šálek, L., Chobot, K., Filippovová, J., Cudlín,P., Málková, J. (2017): Effectiveness of Natura 2000 system for habitat types protection: A case study from the Czech Republic. Nature Conservation 24: 21-41, plný text.
Pechanec, V., Mráz, A., Benc, A., Macků, K., Cudlín, P. (2017) Prediction of landuse development under influence of climate change. In: Ivan I., Horák, J., Inspektor, T. (Eds.) Dynamics in Giscience. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Cham, Springer International Publishing AG, 347-358, abstrakt.
Pechanec, V., Brus, J., Kilianová, H., Machar, I. Decision support tool for the evaluation of landscapes .Ecological Informatics. 2015, 30: 305-308, plný text.
Pechanec, V., Vávra, A., Hovorková, M., Brus, J., Kilianová, H.(2014): Analyses of moisture parameters and biomass of vegetation cover in southeast Moravia .International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35:3 Taylor & Francis., 967-987s.ISSN 1366-5901, plný text.
Seják J., Cudlín P., Pokorný J. 2012. Valuation of ecosystem services as an instrument for implementation of the European Landscape Convention. In: Westra L., Soskolne C., Spady D.W. (eds.), Human health and ecological integrity: Ethics, law and human rights. Routledge, London, p. 69-82.
Seják J., Cudlín P. 2010. On measuring the natural and environmental resource value and damages. Studia Ecologica, UJEP, Ústí n. L., IV, no. 2, p. 53-68, plný text.